Posting an ad on is quick and easy! Simply click the blue Post Ad button and follow the instructions.
If you are not already logged in, you will need to log in as the first step of posting your ad.
Your ad will go live once it has been reviewed (this usually takes less than 2 hours during office hours).
To delete an ad, please go to your ad’s page and click on the “Delete ad” option.
Tip: you can find your ad easily by logging in to your account and visiting your “My Listing” page!
To edit an ad, please go to your ad’s page and click on the “Edit ad” option.
Tip: you can find your ad easily by logging in to your account and visiting your “My Listing” page!
To set a new password, please log in to your account, go to the ” Account Details ” page and enter a new password.
If you have forgotten your password, you can:
• go to the log-in page and click on the “Forgot your password?” link
• go to one of your ads, click on “Edit ad” or “Delete ad”, and click on the “Forgot your password?” link.
Ads appear for 60 days, unless you delete them earlier.
Tip: you can keep track of your ads easily by logging in to your account and visiting your “My Listing” page!
Your ad may not be live due to one of the following reasons:
• It is still under review – this will show on your My Listing page, under “Ads under review”
• It may have it violated our posting rules – if your ad needs to be edited before it can be published, this will show on your My listing page, under “Ads that need editing”
• You have used up your free ad allowance
If you have been waiting longer than 24 hours for a response from us, you may have given us the wrong contact details when you posted the ad. Try posting again or contact us.
All of the ads are manually reviewed – if your ad violates our posting rules it will be rejected. You can read what changes you have to make before the ad can be approved in the rejection email.
Of course. Please contact us and we will help you right away.
If you are not receiving responses to our ads, we recommend taking a look at our tips on how to sell fast. offers free and services that help people promote their ads, facilitate the sales of advertised items, and give businesses a bigger online presence.
These currently include ad promotions, Membership
We don’t allow ads that contain:
• an item or service that is illegal in Sri Lanka
• an item or service that is not located in Sri Lanka
• an invalid phone number or email address
• an unrealistic offer
• offensive language
• offensive pictures
• text in the title or description that is not related to the advertised item or service
• pictures that do not match or clearly show the advertised item or service
• text in the first picture (except logos and product codes)
• a non-specific item or service, e.g. a description of a company in general terms
• a URL link that is not relevant to the advertised item or service
• offers and requests for items or services in the same ad
• exact same content as another ad, re-published within 7 days.
• multiple items in the same ad
• “work from home” jobs
• counterfeit goods, knockoffs or replica versions of another company’s product
• In addition, once the ad is posted, the product or service in the ad cannot be changed.
Register for an account on is quick, easy and completely free! To register on, please go to the Regiser page and follow the instructions. You can register with an email address.
Once you have Register, a link will be sent to your email with instructions on how to verify your email address.
To log in to your account, simply go to the Log in page and enter your email and password.
To log out of your account, simply click the “Log out” option.
To change the details on your account, log in to your account and go to your account’s “Account Details” page.
If you are having trouble logging in to your account, please check that you have:
• Register for an account.
• Entered the correct email address and password on the log in page.
If you are still having trouble accessing your account, please contact us.
To learn all about Membership, please visit our Membership page